5 Steps to Creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed

You have less than 1 second to WOW a new visitor to hit that follow button! Do you think your instagram feed has what it takes?

What is a Cover Story?

Your cover story is the first 9 photos/postings on your ig profile.

5 Steps to Creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed

1. Take great photos

  • Take multiple shots
  • Practise the rule of third
  • Consider the framing
  • Experimenting with angles

2. Be Consistent

  • Your color palette. Pick a color palette and stick to it.
  • Your filter. Use the same/similar filter. Try apps such as lightroom or VSCO.
  • Your layout. Make sure you have the same layout for your photos/cover.
  • Your theme. Pick a theme and stick to the theme.

3. Your Feed should Match Your Bio.

If your content is about skincare, don't post something totally different such as your living room.

4. Tell Your Brand Story

Choose a theme and editing style that can align well with your brand's story and keep with it.

5. Show Up Consistently

Are you disappointed that your instagram feed is kinda messy?  Don't worry.. post consistently and you will soon figure out your personal style.

Just remember to be consistent and always be growing! 


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